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CEF Bangkok: Is IVF cost in Thailand very high? This article will provide more detailed information!

2020-06-11    700

  Is IVF cost in Thailand very high? It’s known that the success rate of IVF in Thailand is very high, thus many people are eager to come into Thailand to do IVF cycles. Since it’s important to make financial plans in advance, CEF Bangkok will address the following questions related to the cost

  What is the cost of each procedure of IVF in Thailand?


  Is IVF cost in Thailand very high? It’s known that the success rate of IVF in Thailand is very high, thus many people are eager to come into Thailand to do IVF cycles. Since it’s important to make financial plans in advance, CEF Bangkok will address the following questions related to the cost

  What is the cost of each procedure of IVF in Thailand?

  1)Cost of Each Procedure for IVF in Thailand

  1. Pre-Cycle Screeing Cost

  Before starting IVF treatment, both the female patient who is the main subject for treatment and male partner who provides sperm will need to complete a very comprehensive checkup. The checklist for pre-cycle screening is a bit different from regular checkups. It pays more attention to the reproductive system and the fecundibility of the patients.

  The checklist includes hormone levels, AMH and vaginal ultrasound specifically for women and semen analysis and physical test specifically for men as well as blood type, CBC, infectious disease test, karyotype etc for both parties. The total estimated cost for these tests is 4,000 to 5,000 RMB. If hysteroscopy or laparoscopy is needed, there might be an additional cost of more than 10,000 RMB.

  2. Ovarian Stimulation Medication Cost

  There are many types of medication used for ovarian stimulation and applied to different female patients based on their condition. Even if the patients are given the same type of medication, the dosage will vary among them due to their differences in age, weight and ovarian function. As a result, the cost of the medication for ovarian stimulation varies much among patients from 15,000 to 25,000 RMB.

  3. Cost of Procedure and Laboratory

  During the IVF treatment in Thailand, the female patients are expected to undergo two procedures. The cost for egg retrieval procedure and embryo culture is about 30,000 RMB and that of embryo transfer procedure is about 12,000 RMB.

  During the two procedures, embryo screening will be performed, which is a key screening process of the third Generation IVF in Thailand. This costs about 20,000 to 40,000 based on the techniques adopted and the number of embryos chosen for screening.

  4. Living Expenditure

  The patients will have to stay in Thailand for 25 days to complete an IVF cycle mentioned above, the living expenditure incurred by which will be about 40,000 RMB. This includes the cost of roundtrip air tickets, passport and visa application, medical translation service, daily expense of food and lodging, and occasional sightseeing and shopping in Thailand etc.

  2)Which Factors Affect the IVF cost in Thailand?

  1. Types of Disease Associated with Infertility

  Uterine adhesions, uterine fibroid, ovarian cysts and other diseases are more troublesome to deal with and will incur higher treatment costs; Hydrosalpinx and mild oligospermia etc do not require additional treatment so they will not incur more costs.

  2. Individual Plans

  Some patients, who might not have childbirth plans for the time being, will just have stimulation cycle to get good embryos in advance to preserve their best fertility. They will come back in a few years for embryo transfer procedure, which will incur more cost in embryo storage.

  The above are some questions regarding the cost of IVF in Thailand. For more information please follow CEF Bangkok.