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Fertility 101

CEF Bangkok: Things to be aware of for men and women before starting an IVF cycle in Thailand!

2020-06-24    650

  The intended parents who plan to do IVF cycles in Thailand are usually holding out great hopes for success. On the one hand, it’s important to choose a good clinic and physician; On the other hand, you cooperation during treatment cycle is also very important! Physicians from CEF Bangkok will be here to share some knowledge about IVF treatment in Thailand. Don’t miss it!

  A lot of men regard doing IVF as something to be completed only by their wives. In fact such kind of thought is incorrect. During the treatment process, the encouragement given by them is irreplaceable and necessary to their partners. Keeping their partners in good mood is helpful to improve their success rate.


  Things to be Aware for Women

  1. Maintain normal living habits, don’t stay up late and get up early, don’t overwork too much.

  2. Eat more vegetables, fruits and food rich in protein.

  3. Improve immunity, prevent colds and avoid gatherings; Notify your physician in time for cold symptoms; Abide by instructions given by your physician.

  4. From now on do not get in touch with toxic and harmful substances such as formaldehyde, perm, hair dye, perfume spray and nail polish etc.

  5. Taking medications in the morning is recommended.

  6. Avoid intense activities due to enlarged ovaries while taking medication.

  7. Avoid intercourse during the whole cycle to avoid an ectopic pregnancy.

  Things to be Aware for Men

  1. Avoid smoking, alcohol and carbonated beverages.

  2. Avoid activities in hot environment such as excessive sauna, excessive bath in hot water and long-term works in hot environment.

  3. Have reasonable amount of exercise.

  4. Eat more foods that’s high in protein, zinc and vitamin.

  5. Make sure you have enough sleeps and don’t stay up late.

  6. Don’t sit at a place for too long; avoid trousers that’s too tight.

  Besides what’s mentioned above, patients should also keep in a good mood and avoid emotional fluctuations or too much mental stress. Let things be and be happy. That’s what we want to share with you today. For more information, please contact CEF Bangkok.