Medical Network

Academic Papers

CEF Bangkok Academic Lecture: Assessment of Female Infertility (II)

2020-07-07    590

  Medical History

  1. General information including lifestyle, eating habits and weight changes.

  2. Medical history including history of viral infection like mumps, infectious disease like hepatitis, tuberculosis and typhoid, disease associated with pituitary, adrenal and thyroid, diabetes, hypertension, tumor, pelvic inflammation, appendicitis, malnutrition or mental illness.

  3.Surgery history including history of uterine surgery like abortion, cervical surgery, pelvic or abdominal surgery such as appendectomy, intestinal obstruction surgery, ectopic pregnancy surgery and surgery associated with important endocrine glands including thyroid, adrenal gland, pituitary etc.

  4. History of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and organ transplantation.

  5. History of long-term use of medication for chronic diseases such as psychotropic medications and immunosuppressants.

  Menstrual History

  1. Age at menarche, menstrual cycle, menstrual duration, volume, menstrual color, presence or absence of blood clots.

  2. History of dysmenorrheal and its severity, progressive dysmenorrheal and the start of last menstrual cycle.

  3. Abnormal symptoms such as bleeding during ovulation, sudden decrease in menstrual flow, poor menstrual drip, bleeding after intercourse, shortening of luteal phase etc.

  Marriage and Delivery History

  1. Questions associated with marriage and delivery history should be answered at the same time, which includes details of whether and when they are married, whether they have separation and remarriage and contraception in the previous marriage; whether they have child(ren) before, whether they want to have a second child; whether they are close relatives etc.

  2. Sexual history including whether there is sexual activity during cohabitation and its frequency, duration, ovulation, sexual dysfunction and abnormal libido; whether/what contraceptive measures are taken ; when contraception is stopped; whether there is painful intercourse.

  3. Previous pregnancy history including whether there is any pregnancy/ectopic pregnancy; whether there is any child born; the age, weeks of pregnancy; means of delivery; complications such as dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage and postpartum infection; whether the child is born abnormal; whether breastfeeding is normal; whether there is stillbirth, premature delivery, late/early miscarriage and its occurrence, age at miscarriage, gestational weeks and whether there are complications such as abdominal pain, leucorrhea, fever etc and how and if they are treated.

  Personal Background

  1. Patients occupation, family, hobbies etc. Patients occupation information includes the nature of their occupation, labor intensity, exposure to radiation or chemical poisons, and exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors.

  2. History of whether there is major mental stimulation or mental depression; whether there is lifestyle change, anorexia nervosa, weight loss with medications; whether they raise pets; whether they have a taste for tobacco or alcohol; whether they are addicted to drugs etc.

  Family and Genetic History

  1. Whether the patient and his/her relative has history of low fecundibility, infertility, recurrent miscarriage or neonatal deformities.

  2. Whether the patient has family history of hypertension, diabetes, tumor etc.

  3. Whether the couple and their offspring have history of diagnosed genetic disease.

  Please refer to the original article edited in Practical Technology of Human Assisted Reproductive. Should there be any infringement of property rights, please contact us to delete the information above.