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Doctor of Medicine from Mahidol University-Thailand’s Peking University
  • 30+ Work Experience
  • 10000+ Successful Cases
  • 30+ Academic Papers
  • 40+ Recognition in IVF Industry

Dr. Uthanchai, a renowned doctor at CEF Bangkok, boasts an impressive 32 years of experience in the field of reproductive medicine. He specializes in resolving complex cases of infertility and reproductive issues. Additionally, he earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the Royal Thai Army Medical College at Mahidol University, often referred to as Thailand's "Peking University."

32 years of experience in the field of reproductive medicine

Dr. Wu has a 32-year career in the field of reproductive medicine. In 1991, he graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Royal Thai Army Medical College at Mahidol University, renowned as Thailand's "Peking University," with outstanding academic achievements.

His rich experience in the field of assisted reproduction earned Dr. Wu certification from the Subspecialty Committee on Reproductive Medicine in Thailand and the Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2001. He further achieved accreditation from the Subspecialty Committee on Reproductive Medicine in Thailand and the Medical Council of Thailand in 2005. With broad professional expertise and profound academic accomplishments, Dr. Wu excels in the treatment of infertility, gynecological complexities, and challenging conditions.


Dr. Wu is an expert in resolving complex cases of infertility and reproductive issues. Throughout his career, he has continually accumulated experience from clinical cases. He has dedicated over 30 years of in-depth research to the fields of gynecological laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopic surgery, and pelvic pain. With rich surgical experience, skilled techniques, and a high success rate, he is committed to providing customized treatment plans for infertile patients from around the world.